Oddballs: TiPPs

I don’t know who created this, but it’s funny. Well, maybe not for the graduate…

I’ve worked for tips in the past, as a server. I’ve also worked in a small cafe where there were times that I did everything – making coffee drinks, making food, taking orders, etc. – those times when I was there alone, that is. That’s some of the inspiration for Perk@Work.

In any case, even when I did everything, I didn’t expect tips since I was working for a wage that I accepted upon being hired; without tips. As a server, it’s a reduced wage so tips are expected.

Why does everyone want a tip nowadays? Yes, I’m that old guy who grumbles about it. Also, I have no college degree and very little college debt. So there.

Here’s a video!

Oddballs: My 12′ Life

Do you believe in giants?

At first blush, that question may sound nonsensical; as though I’m asking if giants are living in clouds that can only be accessed via magic beanstocks and whatnot. No, I’m talking about giant humanoids that walked this earth. These guys were 12′, 16′, or even taller!

Believe it or not, some folks claim that there is a lot of evidence for such creatures – possibly Nephilim? – yet the evidence is suppressed for nefarious reasons by powerful elitists and their ilk. If that’s a rabbit hole you want to slither into, you can find all sorts of videos and websites devoted to the matter.

Of course, if you are a giant, there is no need to slither down said rabbit hole… not that you would even fit, mind you!

Here’s a video!


“My 12’ Life” From Oddballs #18 #oddballs #tall #giants

♬ Very Sad – Enchan

Oddballs: This Page (From Issue #18)

Here’s the text for your eyeballs and brain.

Readers Like You!

Me & Spike

AI image created using Midjourney

Ernest “Spike” Riker (left) and his grandson “Spike III” of Granville, TN wanted to add to our list of “Hairstyle Trends for Senior Citizens and Toddlers” (Issue #15). Nice spikes!

Ask a Professional Ogre

AI image created using Midjourney

Granblob Mootch of Swampland, FL thought we should let readers know that there are professional Life Coach ogres to ask for advice; not just some random ogres (see issue #15).

Oddballs is satire. The content is fiction and parody. Comics are written and illustrated by Jason Salas. Photographic images are created using Midjourney AI.

Oddballs is a collection of humorous stream-of-consciousness comics to make you laugh, think, or contemplate your very existence. Each comic is created off-the-cuff with very little forethought if any at all. In fact, we pride ourselves on our lack of thinking!

Oddballs is rated “PG-13”, albeit not by any governing body. Its content is appropriate for people aged 13-103.

Send feedback, pictures, questions, comments, etc. to jason.salas1@gmail.com or DM via Instagram @OddballsZine

© 2024 Jason Salas

Oddballs: Page Two (From Issue #18)

Here’s the text for you, because you asked so nicely.

Have a Mice Life

Seamus C. Monster,

Resident Odditor

It’s already three months into 2024 and, as they say, time marches on. See what I did there? No? Well, you’re no pun! See what I did there?

Seriously though, this year is speeding along, ain’t it? We’re about 1/4 of the way through it! But…

Did you know that, if you were a mouse and you were born on January 1st, you would be about 1/4 of your way through your ENTIRE LIFETIME??? Mice live for about 12 – 18 months, according to Google.

If the average human lives to be about 75 years old, 1/4 of that is roughly 18 years old. If you were the aforementioned mouse, you would be graduating from mouse high school right about now.

Are you ready for college, mouse? After all, you’re such an adult now! All independent and whatnot.

Of course, around June you’ll have a mid-life crisis, so you have that to look forward to. Sorry mouse.

Anyways… enjoy this issue!

Odditor’s Picks

Original Movie Poster for the Foreign Film “Momoikbe Ponomece Penoneky Memnce”

While many love the blockbuster hit“My Ventriloquist Monkey Dummy & Me,” some purists (like myself) feel that the original Gibbernese version is superior. This vintage poster captures all the intrigue and charm of that classic masterpiece!

Release-Your-Inner-Beast Leash

Sometimes you just have to release your inner beast. This attractive leash helps you keep it under control. Great for meeting women in the park!

Corporate Office Battle Spear

Great for office meetings. Helps your rambling co-workers get to the point… literally!

Images were created using Midjourney (AI) and Canva.