Oddballs: This Page (From Issue #18)

Here’s the text for your eyeballs and brain.

Readers Like You!

Me & Spike

AI image created using Midjourney

Ernest “Spike” Riker (left) and his grandson “Spike III” of Granville, TN wanted to add to our list of “Hairstyle Trends for Senior Citizens and Toddlers” (Issue #15). Nice spikes!

Ask a Professional Ogre

AI image created using Midjourney

Granblob Mootch of Swampland, FL thought we should let readers know that there are professional Life Coach ogres to ask for advice; not just some random ogres (see issue #15).

Oddballs is satire. The content is fiction and parody. Comics are written and illustrated by Jason Salas. Photographic images are created using Midjourney AI.

Oddballs is a collection of humorous stream-of-consciousness comics to make you laugh, think, or contemplate your very existence. Each comic is created off-the-cuff with very little forethought if any at all. In fact, we pride ourselves on our lack of thinking!

Oddballs is rated “PG-13”, albeit not by any governing body. Its content is appropriate for people aged 13-103.

Send feedback, pictures, questions, comments, etc. to jason.salas1@gmail.com or DM via Instagram @OddballsZine

© 2024 Jason Salas

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