Oddballs: Testimonials! (From Issue #15)

To obtain some testimonials, we contracted a third party who then contracted another third party who, you guessed it, contracted yet another third party to obtain the quotes. According to our math, these are 9th party testimonials. Wow!

Oddballs cannot attest to the authenticity of the testimonials below.

“I can confidently say that I’ve never found a zine like Oddballs anywhere in the universe… other than Earth, of course.”

Gruuuvy Planet X9RQ

“I don’t like it, but my boyfriend does. Also, Oddballs is the only humor zine we can find in our little Sasquatch general store. ”

Gruntelle Eureka, CA

“Where else can a deep sea creature like myself a find role model like Seamus C. Monster? Well, other than movies, TV, the internet, literature…”

Flub Mariana Trench

“Oddballs is something I can really sink my teeth into! I use that joke for everything. I like that Oddballs recycles jokes too!”

Drac, Jr. Transylvania

“Of all the discarded publications I find in the trash, Oddballs seems to be the most prevalent. That fact speaks for itself!”

Mangy Matt The Back Alley

“The AI art is sufficient. End of comment.”

CriticBot 3000 Dystopiaville

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