The Daily Times: Chicken

Food brings people together (i.e., breaking bread), but when there’s an issue with the food, that could make an issue with the togetherness.

It’s no secret that the chicken industry is flawed, mostly due to expediency and girth of the product.

Yet the market (us) demands, so the industry supplies.

The ethics (or lack thereof?) causes rifts between people and, subsequently, divides the dinner table – that which is meant to bring us together is tearing us apart.

Can we get back to a culture of shared perspectives or has that ship sailed?

Sent “The Daily Times” packet

Yesterday, I sent out four packets of The Daily Times to four different syndication companies. This packet feels solid. I’ve attempted to syndicate twice before – once with Perk at Work and most recently with Bark & Grill. I’m optimistic about this project. Why? because it deals with the issue of small, independently-owned print newspapers. I believe we will see a rise in such publications in the years to come, as a response to the clickbait world of online media.

The Daily Times: Computer Problems

Ever wonder how dirty your keyboard is? How often do you wash it and/or disinfect it?

There are so many things we don’t think are dirty, but we touch without hesitation nor with cleaning afterwards: car door handles, shoelaces, water faucet handles, etc.

For some, this realization causes panic. For others, like myself, it’s reassuring. If I have been touching these things all my life and I’m still alive, I must have built some great immunities!