Perk@Work: Climate

As much as the media would like to portray the so-called “Climate Debateas a black-and-white issue, I think you would agree that it’s more complicated than that. There are too many factors. 

Let’s face it, how many of us understand the intricacies of our planet’s ecosystem to begin with, let alone any and all direct and/or indirect impacts of a multitude of contributions, both negative and positive? Maybe you do, but, personally, I’ve spent more time watching The Office than studying ecology, geology, and climatology.

The media, on the other hand, well, they know it all, don’t they? That’s what they would like you to think (or, rather, not to think at all). Media channels present polarizing views. You can’t blame them. After all, that’s part and parcel of the business these days. But that’s not necessarily the news.

Legitimate news outlets present reasonable, objective viewpoints from journalists who seek truth and justice. Is that too much to ask? Yet, in our clickbait world, such endeavors get drowned out by the noise of tribal war cries. And the people eat it up and join the hollering. Not you, of course, but all those other crazies.

Pointing fingers in an attempt to shame someone who holds an opposing view is childish at best. Heck, even most children avoid such debased behavior. What’s worse, is that there are those who actively seek out people who believe differently and make it their goal in life to expose and shame them. Shun the nonbeliever! Shun! Shunnnnnn!

In the end, what is climate? It is more than atmospheric temperature, it is the energy in any environment. Can we impact our climate in a positive way by being negative? No. Positive begets positive and negative begets negative. I challenge you to fill the air with something positive today – a compliment, a praise, an expression of love. Maybe then, we can all cool off a bit.