Oddballs: Unspirational Quotes (From Issue #21)

More quotes from my book “An Odd Life: A Journal to Embrace and Nurture the Oddball Inside of You.” It’s available on Amazon now!

Here’s a video!


“Unspirational Quotes” from “My Odd Life: an Oddballs Journal” #oddballs #humor #comics #journal #inspirationalquotes #satire

♬ original sound – OddballsZine

And another one of me inking it!


More “Unspirational Quotes” from “My Odd Life,” an Oddballs journal #oddballs #humor #comics #journal #drawing

♬ Post Malone / Sunflower Type Beat – Daisuke”D.I”Imai

Oddballs: Tic-Tac-Toe

What does Tic-Tac-Toe have to do with a troll? I don’t know. It’s just what popped into my head. Go figure.

Oddballs: Bigfoot – Head, Hair, and Hat

At the time of drawing this piece, I didn’t think anyone would like it. The idea was just there and I acted on it. However, when I showed the draft copy of this issue to my inner circle of proofreaders, two of them mentioned that this piece was their favorite. I’m still trying to wrap my head, hair, and hat around that.

Here’s a video!

Oddballs: I Like It When

Humor is outside of us and, at the same time, deep within us. By that, I mean that we observe humor and are amused by it only if it connects to something we recognize inside of us.

Everybody likes something. That’s an obvious statement but it’s not such an obvious fact when we see people as “other” people. For instance, when you’re at the grocery store, you, of course, see other people. But how many times have you looked at any of them and wondered what they like? Have you ever asked a stranger what they like or don’t like?

Everyone has the four “CDs”: Cares, Dreams, Concerns, and Desires. (That’s not mine but I can’t remember where I heard it.) If we ask someone, “What do you like?” we’ll probably get something superficial or directed toward media (e.g., movies, music, etc.). Dig a little deeper and people will tell you what they really like. Now, they may say it indirectly (“I like it when people say I look like Burt Reynolds!”) but, if we read between the lines, that example may translate to “I don’t feel attractive but when someone associates the way I look with a man known as a hunk, it boosts my confidence a bit and I like having a little more confidence.”

Humor can be funny that way. And we humans can be funny that way.

Oddballs: Crappy Cartoons

I know, I know. Bathroom humor is the lowest form of comedy. It’s not that I set out to make poop jokes, it’s simply what occurred to me at the moment and, if I’m staying true to the soul of Oddballs – to let my creativity flow – then I must include this with the other stuff.

Having said that, I think it’s funny and I don’t mind some bathroom humor every now and again. My brow only goes so high.

Oddballs: Can’t Catch a Break

At the time of writing this piece, I had no melody in my mind. The lyrics simply sat there.

Then I heard of some AI software called Suno. It takes your lyrics and generates a song from them. I gave it a shot. It took a few attempts but it spit out the song I used for the video below. I have to say, I really like it – not because it’s my lyrics, but because the song is catchy. Amazing! And a bit scary.

Here’s a video!

Oddballs: Random Humans Trading Cards (From Issue #21)

In the past, I’ve drawn these as a comic for Oddballs and then rendered them for the final version. I am now skipping that first step. It saves me time and I doubt you’ll mind. Do you mind?

Here’s a video!

Oddballs: Slim Gym Maze

In the past, most people went to the gym to bulk up. I believe that has flipped. Nowadays, most people who go to the gym are there to either lose weight or maintain their slender stature.

I’ve recently learned that the latter is a falsity. Sure, a person can lose weight by working out, but it takes a TON of effort. Working out is good for your health. Lifting weights is good for building and maintaining muscle. But for losing weight? That’s all about diet.

I say this as a person who has believed the lie that working out is good for weight loss. I believed that for 49 years (i.e., up until a few months ago). I’ve battled with my weight for my whole life. Now I monitor my caloric intake and it’s no longer a battle. Sure, it can be a battle to monitor the calories, but that’s easier than going for a five-mile run.

Oddballs: This Page (From Issue #21)

Here’s the text for folks just like you!

Readers Like You!

Dog-Eat-Dog Politics

AI image created using Midjourney

Barkley R., mayor of Dogtown, IN let us in on a little-known fact about dog politicians (see Iss. #19). “It’s ruff… real RUFF! Ha-ha!” All puns aside, he added, “You don’t have to be an alpha dog, but you have to act like one. At my core, I’m a big softy.”

Lettuce Have Dinner

AI image created using Midjourney

Autumn T. of Missoula, MT felt that our Crunch Vegan Lady with Dreadlocks (Iss. #19) was missing something… a vegetable! Here she is with her favorite meal: a head of lettuce. Good for you, Autumn. Now, excuse me while I go get a burger.

Oddballs is satire. The content is fiction and parody. Comics are written and illustrated by Jason Salas. Photographic images are created using Midjourney AI.

Oddballs is a collection of humorous stream-of-consciousness comics to make you laugh, think, or contemplate your very existence. Each comic is created off-the-cuff with very little forethought if any at all. In fact, we pride ourselves on our lack of thinking!

Oddballs is rated “PG-13”, albeit not by any governing body. Its content is appropriate for people aged 13-103.

Send feedback, pictures, questions, comments, etc. to jason.salas1@gmail.com or DM via Instagram @OddballsZine

© 2024 Jason Salas