Oddballs: I Like It When

Humor is outside of us and, at the same time, deep within us. By that, I mean that we observe humor and are amused by it only if it connects to something we recognize inside of us.

Everybody likes something. That’s an obvious statement but it’s not such an obvious fact when we see people as “other” people. For instance, when you’re at the grocery store, you, of course, see other people. But how many times have you looked at any of them and wondered what they like? Have you ever asked a stranger what they like or don’t like?

Everyone has the four “CDs”: Cares, Dreams, Concerns, and Desires. (That’s not mine but I can’t remember where I heard it.) If we ask someone, “What do you like?” we’ll probably get something superficial or directed toward media (e.g., movies, music, etc.). Dig a little deeper and people will tell you what they really like. Now, they may say it indirectly (“I like it when people say I look like Burt Reynolds!”) but, if we read between the lines, that example may translate to “I don’t feel attractive but when someone associates the way I look with a man known as a hunk, it boosts my confidence a bit and I like having a little more confidence.”

Humor can be funny that way. And we humans can be funny that way.