Oddballs: Slim Gym Maze

In the past, most people went to the gym to bulk up. I believe that has flipped. Nowadays, most people who go to the gym are there to either lose weight or maintain their slender stature.

I’ve recently learned that the latter is a falsity. Sure, a person can lose weight by working out, but it takes a TON of effort. Working out is good for your health. Lifting weights is good for building and maintaining muscle. But for losing weight? That’s all about diet.

I say this as a person who has believed the lie that working out is good for weight loss. I believed that for 49 years (i.e., up until a few months ago). I’ve battled with my weight for my whole life. Now I monitor my caloric intake and it’s no longer a battle. Sure, it can be a battle to monitor the calories, but that’s easier than going for a five-mile run.

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