DIY Quote Postcards

When was the last time you received a postcard? These days, it’s become rare. Yet, there are some of us old-school folks who still send them… I’m one such old-school dude.

Have you ever heard of Joe Jerrard? He’s a Guinness Book of World Records record holder for selling the most cars in a year. One practice of his that I’ve adopted is sending postcards to people with the note: “I like you.” I send over a hundred a month. I’m not using them to sell anything, per se but I like how it keeps me connected to friends, family, and co-workers.

What I do is send out postcards with quotes on them. The above image is for this month.

It’s actually really easy. I get the quote from and use images found in where I also design the card. Then I go to and set it up. Easy!