Oddballs: RCRC

If you have kids and you try to go out to eat, then this resonates with you. If you don’t have kids and you try to go out to eat, then this resonates with you.

We are all impacted by rambunctious children at a restaurant. Hey dads, ever feel like this?

That said, since I’ve become a parent, I’ve gained a ton of patience – not only with my own kid but with other people’s kids. When we go out and I see a parent struggling with their rambunctious child, I don’t get irritated. Instead, I feel empathy with that parent. As long as they’re actually struggling to get the child to behave. If the kid is creating havoc and the parent simply doesn’t care, well, there’s no empathy there. All there is is cold, hard anger.

At least try to keep your kid under control!