Oddballs: Odds & Ends (From Issue #18)

Here’s the text for text lovers like you!

Your questions and comments addressed by none other than our resident Odditer…

Seamus C. Monster

Full disclosure: The questions and comments at hand are completely fictional as of this moment. So… send us questions and comments, will ya?

Full disclosure: The questions and comments at hand are completely fictional as of this moment. So… send us questions and comments, will ya?

Dear Oddballs,

Since you’re a sea monster, is “The Creature From The Black Lagoon” your favorite movie?

Movie Maniac in MT

Dear Movie Maniac,

Contrary to popular belief, no. That movie is so inaccurate. Most sea monsters with gills are saltwater while reptilian monsters are… Ugh! Don’t get me started!

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

Boots or sneakers or loafers or sandals?

Biped in PA

Dear Biped,

I like those shoes with the toes but I don’t have five toes and they don’t make ones for folks with only two toes on each foot. I can’t pull off cowboy boots… literally! My wet feet get stuck in them! And my last girlfriend said my toes are ugly so I shouldn’t wear sandals. And sneakers make my feet stink… more.

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

I don’t like wearing neckties. Do you think that will hinder my success?

Neckless in NE

Dear Neckless,

It depends on what you deem “success.” If you want to be a corporate businessman, then maybe. But if you want to be a breakdancer, then no. Choose one but choose wisely.

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

I’ve heard that college is a waste of time and money. Any thoughts?

Graduating in GA

Dear Graduating,

I went to college and got my degree in Brackish Water Science and Technology. Of course, I’m not working in that industry. Instead, I’m doing this gig for measly pay. For me, it was a waste of time and money. But, if you went into Brackish Water Tech, you could make some serious dough!

Seamus C. Monster

Send questions and comments to jason.salas1@gmail.com or DM them on Instagram @OddballsZine