Oddballs: Sock Puppet

What would you do if you were in solitary confinement? Would you come up with activities? Daydream? Count to a million?

Some people live solitary lives. Every day is just them by themselves doing whatever; hermits and the like. I’ve always wondered if solitary confinement has the same effect on them as it would an average person.

Time alone is a good thing. I like this quote:

“All of humanity’s problems, stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” – Blaise Pascal

Granted, being forced to be alone is a whole different matter. Still, if we can learn to be alone without TVs, computers, radios, books, etc., we may find that it’s not a punishment as much as it’s an opportunity to understand ourselves better.

That said, don’t put me in the hole.

Here’s a video!