Oddballs: Doozney’s Little Hoardermaid

Jessica and I tried to watch the live-action remake of “The Little Mermaid” and didn’t make it through the whole thing. Some elements were good, but not enough to keep us engaged. Overall, it seemed like a less fun version than the 2-D cartoon (which, strangely, has a lower audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes).

Speaking of the animated version, my Mom (God rest her soul) was a wonderful woman in so many ways. That said, she was one of those moms who didn’t quite understand the difference between name-brands and knock-offs. I remember her finding a copy of “The Little Mermaid” on VHS and being excited to give it to us. On one hand, we were disappointed that it wasn’t the Disney version. However, I liked it because… well, no seashells. I was young.

I found that version – the whole movie – on YouTube:

I also found this version that looks terrible:

Here’s a video!