Oddballs: Random Humans Trading Cards (From Issue #19)

I was going to write something about how I’m still in the process of making my Random Humans trading cards available, but I didn’t want to repeat myself.

Oddballs: RCRC

If you have kids and you try to go out to eat, then this resonates with you. If you don’t have kids and you try to go out to eat, then this resonates with you.

We are all impacted by rambunctious children at a restaurant. Hey dads, ever feel like this?

That said, since I’ve become a parent, I’ve gained a ton of patience – not only with my own kid but with other people’s kids. When we go out and I see a parent struggling with their rambunctious child, I don’t get irritated. Instead, I feel empathy with that parent. As long as they’re actually struggling to get the child to behave. If the kid is creating havoc and the parent simply doesn’t care, well, there’s no empathy there. All there is is cold, hard anger.

At least try to keep your kid under control!

Oddballs: Muscular Mice

I never know which pieces will resonate with you and my other readers. I started pencilling this piece while Jessica and I were upgrading our old iPhones for new ones at AT&T. There was no gag other than mice with muscles. While inking, I came up with the footnotes.

In any case, I made a quick video on CapCut to post on the socials and uploaded it. It quickly garnered a high likes-to-views ratio on TikTok – around 50 likes to roughly 250 views! That seemed odd to me. Why this one?

Then I realized that I had tagged it with #bodybuilding. Perhaps that community of people enjoyed it. I doubt it had anything do do with mice. Or maybe they liked the references.

What do you think?

Here’s a video!

Oddballs: This Page (From Issue #19)

Here’s the text for your eyeballs and brain.

Readers Like You!

Fish Times at Ridgewater High

AI image created using Midjourney

After reading “School of Fish” (Iss. 17), Craig P. of Lake Tahoe, NV dug up his dad’s old high school yearbook. Craig notes: “It’s crazy how kids back then look so OLD!” We agree, Craig. Just look at those frown lines!


AI image created using Midjourney

Rex S. of Middlewood, OH was so inspired to see a fellow raccoon musician in “Polkahontas” (Iss. 17) that he sent in this photo of himself playing his raccoordian. He takes requests, except for “Rocky Raccoon.”

Oddballs is satire. The content is fiction and parody. Comics are written and illustrated by Jason Salas. Photographic images are created using Midjourney AI.

Oddballs is a collection of humorous stream-of-consciousness comics to make you laugh, think, or contemplate your very existence. Each comic is created off-the-cuff with very little forethought if any at all. In fact, we pride ourselves on our lack of thinking!

Oddballs is rated “PG-13”, albeit not by any governing body. Its content is appropriate for people aged 13-103.

Send feedback, pictures, questions, comments, etc. to jason.salas1@gmail.com or DM via Instagram @OddballsZine

© 2024 Jason Salas

Oddballs: Page Two (From Issue #19)

Here’s the text, generously supplied for free… a $299.99 value!

Opting Out of Helping Out

Seamus C. Monster,
Resident Odditor

Recently, my friend Slosh asked me to help him move from one apartment complex to another one. Apparently, he had weird neighbors and drama and all that and it was easier for him to move than to fix the situation. Whatever.

In any case, this put me in a tough situation. I like Slosh. We’ve been friends for years. But I do not like helping anyone move. It’s always an exhausting and messy ordeal that takes all day and the only payment is cheap pizza!

Well, you can imagine my dilemma. How could I tell Slosh that, no, I didn’t want to help him move while, at the same time, maintaining our good friendship?

Here’s what I did: I agreed to help him move but told him that I could only help out for one hour since I had someplace to go (by that, I meant “home”). Then, one hour before the move, I fibbed and told him I had diarrhea and, if I lifted anything…

Long story short, Slosh relieved me of my obligation (no pun needed). I hope he doesn’t read this.

Anyways… enjoy this issue!

Steampunk Pro VR Headset

While this VR headset doesn’t have all the digital bells and whistles you may get with Apple’s Vision Pro, it has a few actual bells and whistles.

Extra Stretchy Cat Yoga Pants

Your cat can stretch like Gumby on a medieval torture rack. Why not encourage her behavior instead of glowering at her with “stretch envy.” (We all know you do it!)

The “Golden Grills” Collection

Make your golden years truly golden! Choose a style that fits your character and/or gums. Thank you for being a player!

Images were created using Midjourney (AI) and Canva.

Oddballs: Cover (From Issue #19)

J. Lopez is an all-around amazing illustrator and has been one of my best friends for decades. I asked him if he would help me with the cover illustration to this month’s issue of Oddballs. He did!

Follow J. on Instagram: @jdotdesigner

Here’s my initial sketch. I just couldn’t make it work. I sent it to J. to see what he would come up with.

Here’s what he came up with:

And here it is after he inked it:

Check out the video of the process (below).

Random Humans: Man Who Drives the Cleaning Machine at the Walmart

Card #31 in the Random Humans series

He doesn’t say anything to you and he prefers that you don’t say anything to him.

Don’t ask him where the salsa is located, he just drives the cleaning machine. Don’t ask him where you can find Epson salt, he just drives the machine. Don’t ask him where… well, you can see where this is going. He just drives the machine.

Front of card:

Back of Card: