Oddballs: Odds & Ends (From Issue #17)

Here’s the text, because you asked so nicely:

Your questions and comments addressed by none other than our resident Odditer…

Seamus C. Monster

Full disclosure: The questions and comments at hand are completely fictional as of this moment. So… send us questions and comments, will ya?

Dear Oddballs,

What do you fear most? I’m afraid of almost everything! I’d like to narrow down my fear to one or two big things and find others with similar phobias and start a club or something.

Scaredy-Cat in SC

Dear Scaredy-Cat,

I have two great fears: 1. That I will die alone, as some miserable old wretch that no one likes and they won’t find my body for weeks, and 2. Taxes. Ironically, if I do kick the bucket, I won’t even know if anyone found me or not AND I won’t have to pay taxes anymore!

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

Which Beatle is the best?

Music Man in MA

Dear Music Man,

Whoever wrote “Taxman.” (See above.)

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

Some guy saw me reading Oddballs and asked me if I knew you. I said I knew of you but didn’t know you personally. In any case, he said for me to tell you that you owe him five grand and that he’s coming to get it from you so be ready.

Heads-Up in HI

Dear Heads-Up,

Thanks for the heads-up. Please tell him I don’t have the money with me, but I know where I can get it. I just need some time.

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

Are you a millionaire?

Money-Grubber in MT

Dear Money-Grubber,

If I had a million dollars, would I need to borrow money from people? That said, I have a deal in the works that could make us all millionaires! For a small investment on your part of $5K…

Seamus C. Monster

Send questions and comments to jason.salas1@gmail.com or DM them on Instagram @OddballsZine