Oddballs: The Tooties

Yes, fart jokes are low-brow. I didn’t set out to create such a piece, yet this is what oozed out of my brain on the day I created it.

As I’ve mentioned before, the method for creating content for Oddballs is an exercise is free-flowing creativity. We can’t always have our humor be refined, pithy, or reasonable – the vast majority of the time, it isn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t put everything on paper and there have been times when I have placed the idea on paper and scrapped it because it was totally inappropriate. That’s why the first two issues of Oddballs are unavailable to the public. (Issue #3 is lost.)

I admit to having the sense of humor of a seventh grader. When you think about it, it is that time in our lives when we start to question the world around us and see contradictions, layered humor, irony, etc. We were smart at that age and getting smarter. It’s a beautiful stage in life and I don’t apologize for hitching my horst to that post.

I also don’t apologize for stupid fart humor.


Here’s a video!