Oddballs: Escape the Friend Zone

My sister Cyndi loves the mazes I put in Oddballs. I don’t know how much she’ll love this one since it has no satisfying conclusion. At the same time, isn’t the journey, not the destination? I guess when it comes to being stuck in the friend zone, the journey is a never-ending cycle of awkward encounters and rejection.

Remember Jake Z. from issue #15? Furthermore, remember “Friend Zone Frank” from issue #13?

If you’re one such unfortunate soul who finds yourself in the friend zone a lot, keep your chin up. I too was like you and I found a way out of it! “How?” you may ask. That’s a good question with many answers. I’ve often thought about collecting those answers and putting together a book or webinar or something. There are a lot of Pick-Up Artist books out there and I would encourage you to steer clear of most of them – basically, anything that mentions “peacocking,” “negging,” or tells you to do stuff like “the cube.” Those are like parlor tricks and they don’t work for guys like you and me who value integrity and being genuine.

In short, to get good women to like you, become the type of guy that a good woman would want. A good place to start is by practicing the four cardinal virtues – temperance, justice, prudence, and fortitude. Work on those privately and humbly. There are other things to work on but that’s a good start. Bear in mind that, if you become a man who practices these virtues, it isn’t a passing thing done until you get the girl. It’s a lifelong endeavor.

Other things matter, of course. A genuine love of people and faith go a long way.

If, on the other hand, you’re just looking for a hookup, well… you’re on your own with that one.

Here’s a video!


“Escape the Friend Zone” From Oddballs #17 #oddballs #friendzone #dating

♬ Rash Catalogue – DJ BAI