Oddballs: Dr. Flavor, Chemistry Teacher

This one was a total stream-of-consciousness comic. I had absolutely no idea what was going to happen or if there was going to be a gag or not. To be honest, about halfway through, I thought it might be something that I would have to scrap because it would either have no gag or be too weird. Obviously, I kept drawing and writing, if for nothing else, to see what would come about from the exercise.

My brain surprised me in the end.

A short while after I finished the comic, I got myself a Coke Zero to drink. Coke Zero is my absolute favorite soft drink! I think I like it better than Coke Classic. But, let’s be real here. There is no way that this drink could taste that good without some strange chemicals. Now, I haven’t read the ingredients myself (ignorance is bliss), but I bet that there are some things in there that may be questionable to my health.

What I’m saying is that my subconscious may have created Dr. Flavor to justify my own actions. That’s a strange thought.