Oddballs: 9 Reactions

I was watching a video about comics and it mentioned how “The Watchmen” used a standard nine-panel layout. I had never really thought about what was standard or not. Then again, I never read a ton of comics.

In any case, after hearing that, when I picked up my pencil to draw, I decided to do nine panels of something. Of course, I didn’t know what I was going to draw, but the first thing that came to my mind was “Nine Reactions.”

Now, there are standards in comics and cartooning as well; specifically six standard emotions. They’re easily remembered with the acronym “SADFiSH”:

  1. S = Sad
  2. A = Angry
  3. D = Disgusted
  4. F = Fearful
  5. S = Surprised
  6. H = Happy

The “i” is just there to make the acronym work.

Of course, I didn’t use these six, per se, since there were nine, but they’re in there regardless.