Oddballs: You Stole My Idea

As a creator, I’ve encountered people who claim that I stole their ideas. Of course, ideas are nothing unless there’s some action behind it (i.e., an actual product or service).

That said, some ideas are projects in the works and others can come along and nab them before the original endeavor is completed. That’s where things can get sticky.

Hear it!


“You Stole My Idea!” From Oddballs #16 #oddballs #tv #show #idea

♬ Rash Catalogue – DJ BAI

Oddballs: This Page (From Issue #16)

Here’s the text for those of you who would like it:

Readers Like You!

Bark & Beers

AI image created using Midjourney – not actual canines imbibing liquor.

Scout (left) and Buddy (right), regulars at their local Happy Hydrant in Boise, ID, sent this pic and wrote, “We enjoyed FINALLY seeing guys like us in issue #8!” Good boys!

Dino Style

AI image created with Midjourney. Not an actual dinosaur teenager at the mall in a groovy outfit.

In response to “Dino Teens” (issue #14), Feroz Lagarto of San Antonio, TX wrote: “Print this selfie of me, an ACTUAL dino teen, at the mall shopping for wicked threads before meeting up with my girlfriend at the food court!” OK. Done.

Oddballs is a collection of humorous stream-of-consciousness comics to make you laugh, think, or contemplate your very existence. Each comic is created off the cuff with very little forethought if any at all. In fact, we pride ourselves on our lack of thinking!

Oddballs is, for all intents and purposes, rated “PG-13”, although not by any governing body. Its content is appropriate for people aged 13-103.

Send feedback, pictures, questions, comments, etc. to jason.salas1@gmail.com or DM via Instagram @OddballsZine

Oddballs: Page Two (From Issue #16)

Here’s the text for those of you who want/need it… for whatever reason. You have your reasons.

If you can dream it, you can dream it!

Seamus C. Monster,
Resident Odditor

Happy New Year!

Get ready to hear all the best New Year hits around the water cooler:

  • “Can you believe it’s already 2024?!”
  • “It felt like just yesterday it turned 2023, now here we are!”
  • “My New Year’s resolution is to lose weight! This is the year!”

Sound familiar? If you’re not saying any of the above comments, someone near you probably is.

New Year’s Delusions!

Basically, I envision myself as an influential and popular billionaire whom everyone reveres and wants to interview on their podcast.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll get my fins on a VR headset and immerse myself in the fantasy!

It’s not a goal, it’s a daydream. It’s my philosophy of “Fake it ‘till you go to sleep!”

Anyways… enjoy this issue!

Odditor’s Picks

Squirrel House

Nearly 99.999% of squirrels are homeless; they simply live wherever they can hang their hat.* With this Squirrel House, your chittering friend will finally have a place to rest his weary squirrel bones!

*99.999% of squirrels don’t have a hat either


(Cat-Like AI Without a Soul)

Sometimes cats can get all cuddly and cute. Blech! With C.L.A.W.S. You only get anger and spite! It puts the “OW” in “MEOW!”

Quantum Entanglement Disco Suit

At last, quantum physicists have discovered an alternative universe where disco is still popular!

They were only able to fit 37 of these groovy garments through their quantum portal so supplies are scientifically scarce!

Oddballs: Cover (From Issue #16)

You’re taking a glimpse into the future – an upside-down glimpse at that! Here is the cover for the January 2024 issue of Oddballs. One year of Oddballs is in the books. Let’s see what Year Two has in store for us!

Random Humans: Girl with Side Braid and a Cut Over Her Eye

Card #19 in the Random Humans series

This one is a bit specific for a reason: it was a commission. The girl who commissioned it from me at a comic con happened to have a side braid and a cut over her eye and requested that this Random Human would as well. Even though it’s specific, I love the random nature of it. This is one of my favorites.

Front of card:

Back of Card: