Oddballs: Odds & Ends (From Issue #14)

Below is the text from the page for easy reading. Enjoy!

Dear Oddballs,

Why do they put magazines in waiting rooms at the doctor? If people are sick, they’ll get their germs all over it and the next person who reads it will get sick too!

Snotty in SC

Dear Snotty,

That’s how they keep they get repeat business and collect those sweet, sweet insurance payouts!

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done? I bet I’ve done worse.

Crooked in CA

Dear Crooked,

I once fed a live goat to a T-rex. Or did I see that in a movie. I can’t remember. But it didn’t seem like a nice thing to do. If you’ve done worst than that, I don’t wanna know.

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

What do you want for your birthday?

Generous in GA

Dear Generous,

I would like over $25K. I would also like a full sheet cake but I figure I can get that for myself with the money you send.

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

My girlfriend and I like to watch reality TV shows. Will you go on one so that we can watch you?

Couch Potato in CT

Dear Couch Potato

I was on a reality show once but my footage got cut. It was an episode of “The Deadliest Catch.” They pulled me up in their net and, once I made it on their boat, I proceeded to eat all their fish. They jettisoned me overboard. I never received any payment for the gig… other than the fish, of course.

Seamus C. Monster