Oddballs: Cover (From Issue #14)

Get ready for turkey time! November’s issue of Oddballs has all the turkey we can stuff into it. Get it? Thanksgifing? Turkey? Stuffing? The bad jokes just keep on flowing like gravy. Get it? Gravy?

As with Issue #13, this is another color cover with the background created with Midjourney. Of course, I’d love to have drawn the background by hand, yet time is a scant resource in my world and, to be honest, I suck at backgrounds.

Well, I shouldn’t say that I suck, as much as I don’t know when to stop; thus creating backgrounds that have too much detail and take way too long.

Bash (who is four years old as of the time of this post) has a Batman bedspread. The artist drew just enough detail to give the indication that it was a cityscape; somewhat minimal, yet conveyed the point excellently. I’m always in awe of comic book artists who can draw backgrounds that fit the energy and theme of the comic while staying… um… in the background. Too much detail takes away from the characters.

Sure, AI kicks out detailed backgrounds, but I blur them so that the detail is obscured.

At this point, at my age, with the lack of practice time and whatnot, I figure that learning how to make amazing backgrounds is not feasible. And, quite frankly, I’d love to pay artists to create for Oddballs. But, until that day arrives, AI backgrounds will suffice.

A quick video of me inking this page:

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