Oddballs: Odds & Ends (From Issue #13)

(Here’s the text for easier reading.)

Your questions and comments were addressed by none other than our resident Odditer… Seamus C. Monster.

Full disclosure: The questions and comments at hand are completely fictional as of this moment. So… send us questions and comments, will ya?

Dear Oddballs,

Is the Earth round or flat? There seems to be some debate about this on YouTube. Personally, I think it’s flat because I put a long board on the ground and it laid flat.

FlatHead in FL

Dear FlatHead

How can the Earth be flat if it’s hollow? Where would all the Hollow Earth beings live, in some shallow Earth basement? Use your flat head, FlatHead!

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

When is it OK to put up Christmas inflatable decorations in my front lawn: before or after Labor Day?

Crazy4Christmas in CT

Dear Crazy4Christmas

You can put those decorations in your lawn at any time but they can’t be inflated until after you deflate your Halloween decorations. That should occur after Labor Day.

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

Where would I take my opossum for her birthday dinner? Is Chili’s OK or someplace nicer, like Olive Garden?

Opossum Mommy in OK

Dear Opossum Mommy

Call the restaurant to see which one has an Opossum menu that comes with crayons and a little activity placemat. I don’t know about Chili’s, but the last time I was at Olive Garden, I didn’t notice one there – only one for human children.

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

You posted a page from Oddballs Issue #1 on your website, yet you haven’t posted all of that issue. Why???

Wondering in WY

Dear Wondering

There are some licensing issues we have to deal with; mostly fishing licenses in the state of Wyoming, if you can believe it!

Seamus C. Monster