Oddballs: Odds & Ends (From Issue #12)

Here’s the text for easier reading:

Odds & Ends

Your questions and comments addressed by none other than our resident Odditer…

Seamus C. Monster

Full disclosure: The questions and comments at hand are completely fictional as of this moment. So… send us questions and comments, will ya?

Dear Oddballs,

Sometimes I wonder what the world will be like in ten years. Is there anything you can tell me to make me feel better about the future?

Hopeless in NH

Dear Hopeless,

It’s important to understand that even people in the past thought the world was going to end… but it didn’t. Well, it did for them when they died. And a lot of them died young because of germs and outlaws and hoodlums. We still have those things. Feel better?

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

I was pleasantly surprised to see an issue of “Fashionable Mongoose” in my mailbox. Then I realized it was a fake cover. I’ll have you know that I’m a mongoose and there aren’t many magazines for us.

Mongoosed in MN

Dear Mongoosed,

But are you fashionable?

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

You’ve mentioned “carbuncles” in past issues. I don’t think us readers can relate. Can you relate?

Carbuncleless in CA

Dear Carbuncleless

Some of my relatives have carbuncles so I guess that means yes, I can relate

Seamus C. Monster

Dear Oddballs,

I’ve been told to not give money to panhandlers at stoplights because it only encourages more people to panhandle. I want to help out the needy but don’t know if giving to panhandlers is the right way to go about it.

Generous in GA

Dear Generous,

Are these “panhandlers” actually panhandlers? What I mean to ask is, are they handling pans – rattling them in front of you to beg for money? If someone were to do that AND dress as a circa 1849 gold rush miner, I’d shell out a few bucks. But that’s just me.

Seamus C. Monster

Send questions and comments to jason.salas1@gmail.com or DM them on Instagram @OddballsZine