X and Oddballs

As you may have heard, Elon Musk has rebranded Twitter to “X.” This comes as no surprise as it has been his plan all along – use Twitter’s infrastructure and its massive user base as a foundation for X, his “everything app.” Things are about to get interesting.

I have never really used Twitter. I found it to be confusing and laborious. I had deleted my account a while back and lost all my followers and tweets. I got back on and couldn’t figure out how to gain traction. After hearing the news of the switch yesterday, I immediately got on and changed my username to reflect “Oddballs” instead of simply me.

My gut is telling me that X will become the new YouTube and Instagram. What those two platforms are missing is a way to share what you see and have a conversation about it. And creators will now get a cut of the revenue when their posts are viewed and shared (from what I understand). That’s huge! If something goes viral, you could make money with it! Before, it would simply be a bragging rights thing.

I’m not sure exactly how I’ll use X for Oddballs. I’m bouncing ideas in my head. One idea is to have Seamus C. Monster be the voice of Oddballs over there, commenting on things and having conversations. All this would lead people to the zine. We’ll see.

In any case, I’m excited about X. Are you?

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