My Foray Into AI Art

I never thought I would do it, venture into the world of AI image creation. After all, I’m an artist. I’ve been working on my skills for a lifetime. And now AI comes along and all that goes to waste? Nah, not really.

Yesterday, at church, I had a conversation with a friend about AI image creation. While we both agree that it’s uncharted territory and we must proceed with caution. That said, it is, in fact, a tool that can be utilized. I have to admit, all prudence set aside, I’m hooked!

The AI I’m using is Midjourney. It takes some time to figure out how to access the AI (via Discord), but, once you get it all set up, it’s easy. Then it becomes a matter of being able to communicate with the AI to have it produce the best results.

Here is the first thing I created:

Yes, it has some weird things, like the hands, but overall, it’s a good starting point.

I’m working on an Instagram page for these creations. Here’s another one:

I’ve been trying out different prompts to get better outcomes. Here are a couple I like:

If these seem random, that’s where I’m at right now. The Instagram page will be themed. It’s called CoffeeShop.AI. If you go there as of the date of this posting, you’ll find nothing. It’s brand new. However, if you’re reading this sometime in the future, I may have pics posted. Let me know what you think!