Oddballs: Trends for the Year 2050

As I was drawing this, I thought that all of these were either silly or far-fetched. Afterward, I felt that perhaps they may be more fact than fiction (potentially). After all, about a day after completing the inking, I saw an advertisement for a small camera that was about the size and shape of the wedding ring in the comic. So much for privacy, eh?

Of all the items on this list, the one that may have the most marketability is the nanobot diet pill. Sure, it’s disgusting and creepy – having robots wandering inside your body, eating it from within – but I bet there will be a market for them. Reminds me of the movie “Inner Space.”

I forgot to record myself inking this one. I can’t remember why. In lieu of a time-lapsed short, I give you a short of another kind. Enjoy!