Oddballs: From the Mailbag (From Issue #9)

I’ll write out the text from this page since it may be difficult to read from the pic:

From the Mailbag

Fictional Feedback… (until YOU write to us!)

Dear Oddballs,

My neighbor has a big tire that he flips in the early morning in his garage with the garage door open! At 5:00 AM, I wake up to “GRUNT” – FLOP – “GRUNT” – FLOP, and so on, for, like, an hour. I want to sleep later but this keeps happening. I knocked on his door to ask him to stop but he’s always listening to hard rock music really loud so he doesn’t hear me.

He’s got a girlfriend who visits him every so often. She’s really pretty! I mean, like movie star pretty. She waved at me once when I was watering my lawn with a hose. I was thinking about stopping her and asking her to tell her boyfriend (my neighbor) to ease off the early morning tire flipping but I’m kinda scared my neighbor would flip out (no pun intended). At the same time, I wonder how good of a boyfriend he is. She doesn’t look too happy when she comes to see him. Maybe she’s not his girlfriend. Maybe it’s his sister or something. Hmm…

I think I’ll go talk to her. BRB!

She was his girlfriend and he saw me talking to her and punched me in the liver. ☹️


Sleepy and hurt in Utah

Send questions and comments via Instagram @oddballszine