Oddballs: Bigger Bird

I like Big Bird. I also like giants… well, I like the idea of giants. I believe the vast majority of them were evil and rotten to the core. Not “The BFG” though. But, I reckon that’s why he’s an anomaly.

The idea of “Bigger Bird” just came to me out of the ether. I wasn’t even thinking about Big Bird, per se, but letting my mind wander while staring off into the distance. Perhaps a bird flew into my line of sight and my brain made the association; can’t remember.

Much of my creativity comes from allowing my mind to wander free-range among subjects, ideas, concepts, and various random things. That’s not always a good thing since it can wander into dark corners. With Oddballs, I’m finding a healthy playground for my brain to meander about.

Let’s engage on IG:

Below is a time-lapse inking of the page. Enjoy!