Oddballs: Precarious Moments

If you’re not as old as me (I was born in 1974), you may not be familiar with Precious Moments. They’re not dolls nor are they action figures – as a young boy, one finds that out really quick. They are what your mom would call “pretties,” which translates to “Don’t you dare touch them because you’ll break them, you barbarian!” And, to every mom’s credit, they’re right.

Precious Moments figurines ca. 1980s

As a kid, I didn’t understand why anyone would have figurines that might break if you made them fight each other in a Wrestlemania match. I mean, that’s what one does with action figures – WWF or otherwise. In fact, it was always best to pit an actual WWF guy against someone from another toy universe (e.g., Star Wars, G.I. Joe, He-Man, etc.).

Such mash-up bash-ups were legendary! And, if I’m honest, necessary since I usually only had one figure from each universe and it was the one that my dear Mom (God rest her soul) was able to afford – meaning we got it from the bargain bin at Thrifty. Needless to say, I never had the official wrestling rink, but who did? Toys like that were for Richie Rich or that “Silver Spoons” kid.

A collection like this as a kid would have made you king among your peers.

Remember how you could twist G.I. Joe action figures at the waist, tightening the rubber band inside, then upon release their upper body would spin in a deathly double roundhouse punch? That’s what one does with such toys. Precious Moments do none of that and, if attempted, it is frowned upon.

As far as I can tell, they still sell Precious Moments. That said, I haven’t seen one in anyone’s house… not that I go into peoples’ houses. That kinda stopped with COVID. Plus, the only reason I was ever in a house that had Precious Moments was because my dear Mom took me with her as a kid. Those precious moments are long gone.

Vintage Stuff: Space, Aliens, and Going the Distance

Original publication date: January 2010 in BURRITO, Issue #11 under the title “2010: The Year We Make Another Movie About Making Contact”

Like most people, I saw the movie “Avatar” and drooled over the astonishing special effects. I marveled at the fact that a movie like that could even be made. But it just occurred to me that the forecast was not that in 2010 we would not be just watching movies about making contact but actually making contact. Hence the title of the film “2010: The Year We Make Contact.”

So why have we not made contact? I see three reasons:

  1. We don’t have adequate spaceships technology
  2. We don’t have enough fuel to propel the spaceships we don’t have the technology to build
  3. We don’t know where to look

Note: Some folks argue that we don’t have enough money to fund space travel. This is a silly notion. It’s not like money is some sort of scarce element that needs to be mined (“Avatar” reference). If an alien ship were to visit Earth and drop $100 trillion dollars out of the sky, it wouldn’t advance space travel research but would only screw up the value of the dollar (even more so!). But then, if an alien would do that, we would have essentially made contact and thus negate the need for money to do such. Ain’t that a rub.

For now, let’s just unpack the three reasons:

Reason #1: We don’t have adequate spaceship technology

We think that, as earthlings, we’re so intelligent that we want to find similar intelligent life to invite to dinner parties and collectively complain about the state of the universe and impress each other with stories of vacations to distant planets. But we’re not that intelligent. We can’t even go to other planets in our own solar system. This is a case of sociological survival of the fittest at the galactic level: if we can’t figure out how to get invited to the party, we don’t belong there. Also, we can’t borrow Dad’s car in this case so, oh well.

Reason #2: We don’t have enough fuel to propel the spaceships we don’t have the technology to build

Even if we had a spaceship that could make the flight, how is it powered? To haul enough rocket fuel to get us to another solar system would require a spacecraft too big to power it with mere rocket fuel. And we can’t use solar panels because we’d be flying away from the sun. We need something that can get us up to the speed of light and keep us there for years. Did somebody say “warp”? If we can’t even figure out how to build the ship, what makes us think that we can somehow figure out how to warp space and time? And if we could, how would we know our ship could handle it? One galactic “flat tire” and we’d be done for. Who would we call for help? There are no cell phone towers in space and I’m pretty sure AAA doesn’t service that sector.

Reason #3: We don’t know where to look

This is by far the most significant reason. Why build the ship to begin with if we don’t know where to point it? Space is big. It’s not like going to the mall to find a nice pair of pants, we can’t just browse around. And what if we found a planet with “intelligent” life on it? Think about how we find friends now. We don’t randomly knock on peoples’ doors in hopes that the guy who answers shares our particular hopes and dreams. He may be some psycho who’ll shoot us with his shotgun for being on his property. Imagine that at a planetary level.

Do I want to find intelligent life on other planets? Not really. There are intelligent beings on this planet I have yet to meet. And, to be honest, the movies about making contact are fun and fill that curious void. And also, if I’m being honest, I think alien life might smell like intergalactic B.O.

Is Keto Neato?

Original post: August 21, 2021

If you’re like me, you’ve probably tried going keto before. And, if you’re like me, it didn’t long. Sure, there are those folks who somehow do keto for life, I’m just not one of them. Maybe I love my carbs too much. Maybe we all do and I’m just not willing to give them up.

Two Dogs in a Pub: “Keto” (1 of 7)

In theory, keto seems so simple, but in practice, it’s a pain in the butt! First, there’s that keto flu. People will tell you it’s not a real thing – maybe it isn’t for them – but it was for me. After about a day without carbs, I start to feel as though I’m going to wither away into nothingness.

I get it. The body has to adjust to running on fat instead of carbs. That doesn’t change the fact that the adjustment phase sucks. I’ve done it several times and have endured it so it’s not like I’ve given up. I’m simply complaining about it. Just being real here.

Two Dogs in a Pub: “Keto” (2 of 7)

Keto is complicated and expensive. I recently tried the Carnivore Diet and it was so much simpler – just eat meat, butter, salt, and water. Not fun, but easy. With keto, you’re always counting carbs and reading labels. It’s exhausting.

On top of that, there are all the keto-friendly products. Those are great, yet they’re expensive and they too have carbs. Usually, the serving size is a spoonful. When I was doing keto, I quickly found myself eating all these fake foods that were chemical-laden and low in nutritional value. Not good.

Two Dogs in a Pub: “Keto” (3 of 7)

I ran into a problem with some chocolate made with Splenda. I ate a bunch of keto-friendly chocolate chips as a treat and spent more time on the porcelain throne than any human should.

On a positive note, it cleaned out my system. That said, it was unexpected and not fun.

Two Dogs in a Pub: “Keto” (4 of 7)

Very few people plan on doing keto their entire lives. That means that there will come a time when the keto thing is over. Ideally, it’s when one reaches their target weight and decides to mindfully return to healthy carbs in moderation. In reality, when the keto chains are off, it’s open season.

Sadly, at least for me, I’ll find myself eating more carbs after keto than before. I think it’s because, for whatever reason, I feel like I have to “catch up.” And catch up I do.

Two Dogs in a Pub: “Keto” (5 of 7)

I’ve done keto a few times in my life. Each time I’ve ended up heavier than before – after I end keto and go carb crazy. It’s a shame and, in some respects, a sham. Not that anyone is trying to fool us, but that there are no disclaimers anywhere about the unfortunate path the average dieter takes when embarking upon keto… or any other diet for that matter.

I’m finding that intermittent fasting is the only thing that works for me. I can eat the same foods, only during a small window of time. For me, that’s between 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM. It’s a short window, for sure, and it does take some willpower to avoid eating all day long; especially when people offer me donuts and snacks and such. But, when it’s time to eat, dinner tastes so good!

Two Dogs in a Pub: “Keto” (6 of 7)

What are your experiences with the keto diet? Feel free to share in the comments below. Have you had success? Did you have a similar experience as mine? Inquiring minds want to know!

Two Dogs in a Pub: “Keto” (7 of 7)click here or on the image to zoom