Bark & Grill: Internet Cord

This particular comic is a collaborative effort with the amazingly talented J. Lopez. He’s an illustrator and photographer and one of my best friends. I asked him if he was willing to work on this comic with me. Obviously, he said “yes,” much to my delight. Thank you, J.!

I drew the comic and thought it could use something more. J. is big on tech and gadgets and I thought he would like the subject matter. I sent him a pic of my quickly-drawn comic below:

J. asked me if I was married to the characters and if they could be different types of dogs. That wasn’t an issue. I told him to knock himself out. What he came up with was hilarious, innovative, and super fun!

The dogs in his comic are J’s family members’ pets. How he got them to model so appropriately, I have no idea. In any case, when I saw it, I laughed out loud; not so much because of the gag, but because I did not expect real dogs! So creative!