In The Way

This is a faith-based comic that I did when I was heavily into the Hebrew Roots movement (a.k.a., Messianic Judaism, although I wasn’t coming at it from the Jewish side). As you can guess by my phrasing, I’m no longer leaning so strongly in that direction. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of validity to the belief system and it opened me up to studying the Bible like nothing else. That said, I would no longer consider myself a part of the movement nor do I subscribe to the minutia of the movement.

You may have questions and I hope to answer them one day; perhaps in some videos at a future time. For now, just know that these comics were created with that mindset.

I have not posted these comics on my website. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. It’s a matter of time or lack thereof. If I can find my doggone house elf, I’ll have him do it. For now, if you want to see these comics, I have a book with all of them in there, as well as some fun writings. Click here or on the cover below to view it on Amazon. There’s a preview with sample comics and whatnot.